Craig's Blog

Building Gatsby with GitHub Pages and Actions

March 15, 2020

Yesterday, I was making some updates to this site and noticed that the process to publish updates was somewhat tedious. In order to publish a change, I would need to manually run npm run build, commit and push the changes, then return the the GitHub repo’s settings to change the custom domain for GitHub pages back to For some reason, this kept resetting each time I pushed changes to the docs folder. I figured it had something to do with the fact that I was serving the site from a custom directory, but I wasn’t sure exactly why.

For reference, here’s my GitHub Pages config to use a custom domain, building from a folder on master:

GitHub Pages configuration

Today, I had the inclination to try replicating my manual build process with GitHub Actions, GitHub’s workflow automation feature. I hadn’t used Actions before, so I thought this would be a good place to start.

I modified the default Node.js action to create this simple workflow. It performs the following steps whenever master changes:

  1. Checks out the repo
  2. Installs NPM dependencies and Gatsby
  3. Builds Gatsby static site
  4. Commits changes (thanks to this marketplace action)

This answer also explained why my custom domain kept resetting and provided a simple fix that I could add to the npm build script.

Although I’ve only just started using GitHub Actions, I’m pleasantly surprised by how easy it makes setting up a simple cloud CI environment with almost no configuration. Its email notifications sent to your GitHub account email are also a nice way to receive updates about your build status.

Now I’ll never have to worry about where this site is hosted or how it’s deployed; all I have to do is push changes to the Markdown or React content and GitHub takes care of the rest, all for free!

Craig Palermo

UX Software Engineer at Priceline, 🐴 rider, 🐀 owner, ✈️ enthusiast

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